Friday, August 24, 2012

Plot Twist

I leave for college tomorrow. I'm feeling sad. I cried when I said goodbye to my best friend, Josh. My girlfriend came over and cried a lot and we sobbed together and I think it's going to be okay. People are leaving and I feel like I need to leave. And I don't know why the universe decided to sell our house the day before I leave. My mom hurriedly looked at and made an offer on a house that was accepted today and the inspectors came and said our house gets the okay. My mom and brother have to leave by the 26th of September and she said she would do all of my packing for me. So not only is this the last night in my own bed in my hometown, but also probably the last night in this house that we've lived in for five years. And I just found out today and I'm trying to process and I am just leaving stuff on the floor for my mom to pick up after I leave because I am so overwhelmed.


  1. In a week I think I'll be feeling very somber myself.

    That's great news that your house was sold, though! I can see how the timing was tricky, yet opportune.

    I'm sure you'll do awesome in college. You can always text me if you just need to vent or share homesickness! And we'll definitely keep in touch via snail mail, okay? :D

  2. Leaving is always hard.
    Coming back is even harder, sometimes, especially when you're having such a good time since you left home...

  3. That's crazy that everything is just happening all at once. I hope your last night in that house was a marvelous one, and best of luck at college. I'm leaving in a few days. It's so weird that we're finally doing what we've been spent 12 years of school leading up to.

  4. It's ok to feel overwhelmed. That's a lot to process so quickly. But home is transitory. It'll be ok.
